Why I Didn’t Go to Graduation

Hey Gang! If you’ve been here for a while, then you will remember all my whinging and moaning back in 2020 about my graduation being postponed indefinitely…

So it might come as a surprise to you to find out that when my graduation was finally arranged (for last week actually), I decided not to attend.

Among some of my fellow students, this was a controversial choice. But it was one that I am happy with, and I actually wasn’t the only one on my course to say a polite “no” to my graduation invite.

So here’s an open letter as to why I didn’t go to my graduation.

The Moment Had Passed

The main thing that influenced my choice not to go to graduation was simply that I felt the moment had passed.

I finished my course at the beginning of May in 2020, and I got my results in July 2020. Combine that with the fact that the last time I was in university was the beginning of March in 2020, and it really just feels like a lifetime ago.

After all the lockdowns, my graduation was finally arranged for the week of March 14th 2022. Over 2 years since the date I last stepped foot into my university.

To a lot of people, two years isn’t really a long time. But because of everything that’s happened in the past two years, it really is. So much has changed since I finished uni, and personally I have changed a lot. Covid really made my priorities shift, and after the past 2 years, my graduation really doesn’t matter to me.

The moment has simply passed.

Too Much Effort

That leads me nicely onto my next point, and that is that a graduation felt like too much effort.

The thought of having to put a full face of makeup on, do my hair, and fork out a load of money on a fancy new outfit for one day really didn’t appeal to me. Once upon a time I dreamt of getting dolled up for my graduation, but when I got the invite I couldn’t think of anything worse.

Combine that with the fact that I would’ve had to take time off work, and travel over an hour and a half just to go, and it began to feel like more of a chore than a good thing.

Going into 2022, I vowed that I would stop doing things I didn’t want to do for the sake of making other people happy. And I didn’t want to go to graduation, so I didn’t go.


The final piece of icing on the cake that solidified my decision was the simple fact that I hated uni.

While I was there, I didn’t mind it. But with hindsight, it really wasn’t a good experience. I’m glad that I did it, and I’m glad that I met some amazing people. Of course, I’m also glad that it happened because it led me on the path to where I am today. But, I really don’t think that I benefitted from my university experience.

My course wasn’t great, my lecturers were poor, and basically all we were taught was how to pass the assignments. I worked my arse off in my first two years for grades that meant nothing, and I stressed way too much over things that honestly didn’t matter.

I got myself into thousands of pounds of debt, simply because the education system tells you that you have to stay in it. In school, you are told that you have to go to college, and in college you are forced to apply to university. Even though these aren’t the only opportunities out there.

My university experience caused me a lot of unnecessary stress, and when that door closed, I was glad. Going to graduation would’ve meant re-opening that door, and seeing lecturers and classmates that I am happier without.

So I decided to keep that door closed.

That’s Why I Didn’t Go To Graduation

And that summarises why I didn’t go to my graduation ceremony. All in all, it was a combination of things that ultimately led to my decision.

I think that my family would’ve liked it if I’d gone, and I get that. But, as far as I’m concerned, I had my graduation ceremony when I threw my cap up in the air in my parents garden and celebrated with my family.

I didn’t need to go back to that toxic environment for my achievement to be recognised. All the people who mattered had already seen me graduate, and that’s really all that mattered to me.

So I’m proud that I stuck to my guns. And I’m happy to say that I don’t feel like I missed out at all.

C x

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